Thursday, July 1, 2010



Capsicum Frutescens
Capsicum frutescens is found throughout the Philippines plated here and there about dwellings but also thoroughly established in open, waste places in settles areas. Its fruit is a popular condiment. The leaves are used as vegetable; an excellent source of calcium and iron, a good source of phosphorus and vitamins A and B. It is an important gastrointestinal deoxidant and also serves as a stimulant, digestive, rubefacient, stomachic, sialagogue, alterative, antispasmodic, febrifugue and depurative. Nutritional Value Pungent principle, capsaicin; solanine; vitamin A and B; citric acid; palmitic acid; capsicin; oleoresin; volatile and fixed oils; pentosans, 8.28%; pectin, 3.2%.

talbos ng kamote


Ipomoea Batatas

Ipomoea batatas is a warm season crop extensively cultivated in the Philippines. It can easily be planted any time of the year and propagated from stem cuttings.

Its roots are high in calories and vitamin A and the leafy tops are eaten as vegetables. The tops, especially purplish ones are used for diabetes and the crushed leaves are applied to boils and acne.

Nutritional Value
Ipomoea batatas contains calcium, 30; magnesium, 24; potassium, 373; sodium, 13; phosphorus, 49; chlorine, 85; sulphur, 26; and iron, 0.8 mg/100 g; iodine, 4.5 g/kg; magnanese, copper, and zinc are present in traces.