Thursday, July 8, 2010

Honey - a tasty medicine from thousands of diseases

This tasty medicine is useful for everybody. Of course, we talk about honey. This very pleasant medicine is easy-to-use, has almost no side effects and overdoses

This tasty medicine is useful for everybody. Of course, we talk about honey. This very pleasant medicine is easy-to-use, has almost no side effects and overdoses.

Even if your baby manages to reach it, it will bring no harm to him. And another thing: you shouldn’t rush to a drug-store to buy this medicine, it’s always at hand. Well, from time to time everyone wants to try something tasty - so, there’s nothing better than honey. Honey is a high-calorie product and at the same time an efficient medicinal remedy.

Honey is a real cocktail of glucose, fructose, proteins, ferments, vitamins (B2, B6, PP and etc.), various mineral substances and organic acids. Fresh honey - is a thick transparent paste, which starts crystallizing and hardening with time. You should remember, ripe honey has the best taste and sustenance. To determine ripeness of honey, you can put a spoon in it and turn it. Unripe honey trickles down from a spoon, and ripe one - winds it up. With time honey can (and should) become sugared. Its quality doesn’t change, and this thickening only points at its high quality. Color spectrum of honey is much varied - from light-yellow (acacia) to dark-brown (buckwheat).

Honey can be even green, although its color, taste and scent (”bouquet”) are determined by time and place of harvest. By the way, there’re more mineral substances (iron, copper and etc.) in dark honey. Honey contains almost whole Mendeleev periodic system. Honey takes one of the first places as a source of energy in food products calorie charts. 1 kg of honey contains 3150 calories. Probably, it’s not very good for our waist, but it’s just great for a growing child’s organism. Besides proteins, playing role of a plastic substance, honey also contains folacin, which is so necessary for children and teenagers. It is wonderfully digested, not breaking children enamel. German stomatologists recommend parents to replace sugar and other sweets by honey strongly.

Qauntity of honey, which you can (and sometimes should) eat per day, is 100 g for adults and 30-50 g - for children. It’s better to distribute this quantity among several meals. In general, we need to say that honey is useful for everybody - both healthy and ill - as an excellent preventive measure to increase immunity, while frequent catarrhal diseases, anemias, neuroses, liver and heart disorders, alimentary canal disorders. Enthusiasts of honey treatment use honey to cure almost all diseases - from skin to endocrine. You can take honey in different ways, depending on your disease. Thus, if you have problems with nasopharynx, it’s better to take small portions of honey and keep them in mouth for a long. Then antibacterial substances, contained in honey, will start being absorbed yet in mouth and throat cavities. If you suffer from alimentary canal diseases, it’s better to dilute honey with water to receive thick consistence. And if you have pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis, it’s better to use honey inhalations. Sort also plays a certain role. Thus, if you see no cardinal improvement of the situation in 1-2 months, then, probably, you should choose other sort of honey.

You should eat honey 3-4 times per day. If you suffer from gastritis with hypoacidity, you should take honey right before meal, you can dilute if with cold water if you wish. And while gastritis with overacidity honey is diluted with warm water and eaten 1,5-2 hours before meal. Honey can also be included in stomach ulcer treatment. You should consult a doctor to avoid side effects of medical and honey treatment. Honey is diluted with warm water and taken the same way as while gastritis with overacidity, 2 hours before or 3 hours after meal (better while breakfast or lunch).

Folk medicine of almost all countries notes medicinal effect of honey on nervous system. In an ancient Chinese book “Description of plants and herbs of Apis” it is said: “Long usage of honey hardens will power, adds lightness to a body, prolongs life”. Honey - is a wonderful sedative and sleeping-draught. Unlike medical preparations, it causes no side effects: depression, tiredness and attention and coordination disorder. Honey is used while such diseases, like various neuroses (including “heart” one) and neurasthenia. While excitability, headaches, supressed mood and lowered capacity for work it’s recommended to take 100-120 g of honey per day, in the morning and evening - 30 g, and after lunch - 40 g. You will find no better soporific remedy, than a glass of warn honey water 30 minutes before going to bed.

You your baby or you suffer from stomatopathy and nasopharynx diseases, you can try honey gargle of different compositions. You can add chamomile flowers, lime-blossom, oak’s bark (1 table spoons) to honey (1 table spoon on a glass of water). But still most often we apply for honey while cold. To increase medicinal effect, you can mix honey with lime flowers extract, raspberry, coltsfoot leaves or marjoram. Extracts are prepared on the basis of 1 table spoon of herb and 1 table spoon of honey for a glass of water. If you don’t like scent of medicinal herbs for some reason - mix honey with warm milk.

Honey can be used as a preventive measure against rachitis, anemia, strengthening of immunity since first years of a child’s life. Swiss doctors recommend smearing baby’s gums with honey while teething. In Insitute of Public Health (USA) they use honey treatment to cure anemia and rachitis successfully. But if you decided to start anemia and rachitis treatment, you should eat dark honey. It contains 4 times more iron, than light one. A month will pass, and you will see how your child’s condition changes in a miraculous way - not only blood values improve, but also general health, sleep and mood. In Japan, they give a spoon of honey, mixed with pollen, to all children in the morning. It is considered, that this influences a baby’s intellect development positively.

Honey is also a harmless cosmetic remedy. If shaving brings only troubles to your husband - persuade him to smear skin with honey. Honey is a very strong hemostatic, it quickens regeneration and softens skin.

Wel, you can give yourself a treat sometimes - prepare a honey bath. You will need 250 g of honey for one bath, duration - 15 minutes. Such bath will definitely heighten your vitality and strenghten your trust in miraculous abilities of honey.

However, you still should not forget about possibility of allergic reactions. Supersensitivity to honey can be different - nettle-rash, edemata, breathlessness, vomiting and diarrhea. If you notice such symptoms, you should stop eating honey immediately.

Finally, there’re several practical advices: remember, honey absorbs all surrounding smells very easily. And if you keep it uncovered close to cheese, fish or pickled onions, don’t be surprised that it smells with them. So, glass or ceramic (but not iron) crockery will be the best one to keep honey. And if you decided to turn hardened honey into liquid one, put a dish with honey in a pan with hot water and heat. However, while heating over 37-40C honey starts losing its medicinal qualities. So, don’t show excess of zeal. Eat honey and don’t be ill!

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